Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Here is a picture of the most effective map known to mankind.... Yellow arrows painted on random things! We will be watching for these arrows on rocks, walls, shops, roads, dogs.... Wait, strike that last one. Another symbol that we will be looking for is the shell pictured on the top of this marker. The shell represents many people coming together at one point, because there are many ways to arrive in Santiago de Compostela. Most pilgrims (hikers), carry a shell on their packs during the hike.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Hey everyone! As you know, we have decided to walk from the edge of France, to the other side of Spain. This hike will take about one month give or take a few days. We will try our best to update this blog daily with photos, and other information about our journey. However, due to limited internet access, please provide us with a little extra time! Below is a map of our trip...

We will be starting a little bit further to the right of what this map is showing. The trip begins in St. Jean Pied de Port, France, and ends in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.